NPHS Syllabi by Department

Dear Parents,

We are excited to share with you the syllabi for our high school subject areas. These documents are essential as they outline the structure, expectations, and content your students will encounter throughout the academic year. Here’s a brief overview of what each syllabus typically includes and its importance:

  1. Course Overview: A summary of what the course will cover, including key topics and themes. This helps students understand the scope and goals of the subject.
  2. Learning Objectives: Specific skills and knowledge students are expected to acquire by the end of the course. This provides clear goals for both teaching and learning.
  3. Materials Required: Lists of textbooks, novels, calculators, lab equipment, and any other resources students will need. This ensures students are prepared for each class.
  4. Grading Policy: Details on how students will be assessed, including the breakdown of exams, quizzes, homework, projects, and participation. Understanding this helps students and parents know where to focus their efforts.
  5. Course Schedule: An outline of the major units of study and key dates for assignments, tests, and projects. This helps students manage their time effectively.
  6. Classroom Expectations: Guidelines for behavior, participation, and attendance. This promotes a positive and productive learning environment.
  7. Additional Resources: Information on extra help sessions, online resources, or supplementary materials that can support student learning.

We believe that clear communication of these elements sets the stage for a successful school year. By reviewing the syllabi below, you can better support your student's educational journey and help them stay organized and focused.



